Tarvitset näitä:
- sileää akavarellipaperia, halpakin käy
- kananmuna
- väkiviinaetikkaa (siis ei valkoviinietikkaa)
- teippiä
- pahvialustoja
- sähkövatkain
- kulho
- sieni
- leveä sivellin
Pignota arkit teipillä alustoille. Kostuta ne veteen kastetulla sienellä. Riko koko kananmuna ja vatkaa sitä 5 minuuttia. Lisää ruokalusikallinen väkiviinaetikkaa. Vatkaa toinen 5 minuuttia. Sivele arkit ensin pystysuuntaan, anna kuivua ja sivele sitten vaakasuuntaan. Kuivata ja käytä.
This is a post "by the request of the readers". A friend at church asked me how I prime boards for practise. Of course I do have a stack of all kinds of old panels, experiments, pieces of mdf-board and such. When I do priming, I use up the leftover levkas on any old piece of wood. Sometimes people give me fiber boards that "granny made in the 70´s". And I do have a recipe for priming paper for egg tempera. An other friend gave it two years ago, but I haven´t had time to try it. So here it comes, please let me know how it works!
This is what you need:
- smooth water color paper (any cheap stuff will do)
- an egg
- strong vinegar (not the stuff made from white vine, 10% acetic acid)
- masking tape
- big, strong pieces of cardboard
- a bowl
- hand mixer
- sponge
- big brush
Stretch the paper on the card boards with tape. Dampen the paper with water and the sponge. Brake the egg and whip it for 5 minutes. Let the foam set. Add a table spoon of spirit vinegar. Whip again for 5 minutes. Apply the size on the papers, first with vertical strokes. Let dry and repeat with horizontal strokes. Let dry and paint.